Thursday, April 7, 2011

March & April 2011

Life is flying by. Almost two months has gone by again. Lily is getting bigger by the moment. She wants to get her knees under her body. I think she might crawl sooner than Maddie did. She wants to eat whatever we are eating although she can't yet. She really wants it. She will eye ball your food and reach for it when you are eating. She is so smiley all the time. She is rolling and scooting herself around the room. You leave her in one spot and find she has made her way all the way across the room. I can't believe that she will be 6 months in a few days. How time goes by so fast.

Maddie is going through a growth spurt. She is just like her cousin Ali. Long legs, but her butt and waste is too small to hold up the pants that fit her legs. So it is hard to find pants that fit her. I have to get her the ones with the tabs in the sides so I can synch them up as tight as possible. Skinny jeans on these two girls are baggy.

Jeni, Mom and I have been having a play date once a month with the girls. It is really fun getting together. The girls love hanging out with each other.

Maddie went skating for the first time at a birthday party at the King Skating ring at Sunrise. She liked it. Except the skates are cranked down so tight and they don't adjust that they don't roll so it wasn't as fun as she would have liked. She kept wanting to go faster.

For Joe's birthday we took the girls to Disneyland. It was just the four of us. It was very nice. It was the first time the girls had been. We drove down on Sunday and drove back on Thursday. They both did really good on the long drive to LA. I was surprised we didn't have to stop more often than we did. Lily stayed up an hour later than normal because of her schedule being off due to the car ride, but it wasn't bad. Joe got sick on the ride down and of coarse seemed to be better on the ride home. We stayed at the Marriott just two blocks away from DL. So the first day we drove and parked in the parking garage. As we were getting off the tram from the parking garage, Joe dropped on of our three day park hopper passes. But seeing as DL is so on top of it. They were able get our reservations and get us a new pass. Thank god. Since Joe didn't feel well, we didn't spend a lot of time at DL the first day. We ate lunch and went on a few rides. Maddie loved the "It's a small world" ride. She calls it "the place where the kids live." She calls the song "Cheers" too. Why I don't know, but it is really cute. The first time she went on it Joe took her. Lily was asleep in the stroller. Maddie started rocking back and forth to the music. She loved it. We rode "It's a small world" about 10 times the entire trip. She also went on Whinnie the Pooh. It replaced "The Bear Ride" over by Splash Mt. She rode on most of the original rides such as Mr. Toad's and Peter Pan, Dumbo and the one where you take the boat ride through the whales mouth. I can't remember the name of that ride. She didn't ask for anything the entire time we were there until the 9:30 just before the fireworks show. She asked for a sword that lights up. She liked the fireworks and seeing Tinker Bell over the castle. Her other favorite ride was the Buzz Light Year ride. She liked that one because she could take the gun and shoot the targets. She actually hit some of the targets. She saw a lot of the characters which she loved. They all seemed to take to her too. Lily got to go on most of the rides that Maddie went on. There were some that she didn't go on because she was asleep. But if she was awake we put her in the bjorn or carried her on the ride with us. We went on the Pirates of the Caribbean towards the end of trip. We thought it would too scary for her, but she wasn't scared much. We walked from the hotel on the second and third days. It was mush better than driving. On the last day we went to Goofy's kitchen for dinner where she saw a lot of the characters. We came back to DL and watched the fireworks, so by the time we left it was nearly 10pm. Since Maddie walked nearly the entire three days at DL, we expected she would finally crash out. We put her in the stroller for our walk back to the hotel. She said she wanted to stay and play at DL and she didn't want to go home but before she could finish her sentence, she was out. That was even before we hit the gates out of the park. Because of all the noise at the park and our way back to the hotel we didn't notice, but when we got into the hotel we noticed...Maddie was snoring so loud. It was funny. If you look up on You Tube "kateweiland1" you will see all the videos I have posted and the video of Maddie snoring. I also took a video of her on "It's a small world" and at Goofy's Kitchen. We had such a good time. That place is amazing. I have also upload all the pics since my last post to

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