Saturday, September 17, 2011

September 2011

I know...I know... where have I been. I think about updating my blog all the time. But by the time I think I have some time another month or two or five have gone by. Since the girls are entertaining themselves at the moment. I thought I would download all the pictures off my camera. Good thing I did. The camera was full. April was the last time I downloaded pics and updated my blog.

Go to to see my updated pictures.

The girls are growing like a weed. Last we spoke, we had just gotten back from Disneyland. Well, Easter came and went. We went to Mom and Dad's for dinner. The three little girls got to play and hunt Easter eggs. They had a good time. I think that was the rest of April.

In May it was Mothers day. We spent mothers day at Aunt Carol's with Grandma. It was the first time in a long time and maybe ever in my life that we got to spend Mothers day with Grandpa JonJon. Grandpa and Grandma moved here from Mesa, AZ to be closer to family after 25+ years of being the only ones in our family out of the area. It is very nice to have them close to home. They just live in Cameron just one exit up the hill from us. We try and get together with them for dinner at least once every other week. I think they love seeing the girls growing. Maddie officially became potty trained. That was a big event. Lily started army crawling everywhere.

In June we celebrated our 10 year anniversary. Can you believe that it has been that long? We went to the beach house for the weekend. It was nice and quiet. We also welcomed a new niece to the family. Jeni delivered her fourth girl Katherine Marlene McCoy born June 5th only three days from her sister's first birthday. She looks like my mom. Lily started crawling on her knees in June. Boy can she book it across the room.

In July it was a traditional fourth of July BBQ at The Ebert's for Jeff's birthday and 4th of July. Maddie learned to swim on her own that weekend. We spent the entire four days swimming in many different friends pools. It is great to have friends with great amenities. Then we spend the rest of the month camping at my Aunt's private campground at Union Valley. It was great to be able to take my kids there and know that not much of anything has changed since I was there when I was a kid. It brought back so many great memories. I love going camping there. We did have one scary moment when a bear came into our camp one night. In all the years that I have tent camped there I have never seen or known a bear to come into our camp. He was literally 20feet from Jeff and Doug and about 30 feet from our tent. It took off the moment that it saw Jeff and Doug. Or I should say the moment it saw the backsides of Jeff and Doug as they took off running.

August was spent at Mom's swimming and hanging. Another camping trip. We had another weekend at the beach house at the end of July first of August. Not too much as going on in August. Mom had her 56th birthday. We were suppose to go camping for labor day with my sister Carrie, but Lily decided that she wanted to get all four of her front teeth at one time. She had a fever and was really crabby the entire week and weekend. Maddie did the same thing....Got all her teeth at one time. It was hell on Joe and I. I felt bad for her because nothing but popsicles did any good. I couldn't keep her on popsicles for the entire week so she had to suffer. Lily started pulling her self up and walking along the couch.

Last weekend we met some major milestones with Lily. She started walking by herself, she started drinking out of a sippy cup and she sat forward in a car seat. She is almost 11 months old and they don't recommend the forward facing seat yet, but in the Jeep the rear facing seat just doesn't fit well. Maddie has graduated from sleeping in our bed to sleeping in her own bed. Although her bed is still in our room, she at least sleeping in her own bed and I think sleeping better because of it. At least I know I am sleeping better.

We have another disneyland trip coming up in a few weeks, a birthday party for Lily's first birthday and Halloween so I will have to make some time in the next month to update you on how those events went. Keep you posted.

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