Friday, February 6, 2009

An Average Day at the Weiland House

I always get asked how Maddie is sleeping at night and how she is in general. So I thought I would explain in case you were wondering what she is up to lately.

She is such a happy baby. Look at that smile.

She doesn't yet sleep through the night. I think she might but mommy still has to check on her in the middle of the night. I am trying hard to break myself of that. Now our routine is that she has a bath as 7pm-ish, is awake for about an hour fighting sleep and usually falls asleep in my arms or near me on the couch by 9pm-ish. We go to bed and we are up again at about midnight or 1am, then again around 2:30-3am, then again at 5:30-6am, then we are up for a few hours at 8:30-9am. Really she is a good and pretty easy baby. She is really happy all the time.

The rest of our day consists of... in the morning after we get up and get dressed for the day. Sometimes we stay in our PJs. We watch our "Your Baby Can Read" video. Lately she has been staying up longer between "naps" so we continue to play by either doing "tummy time" or playing with their word cards as part of the YBCR program. She nurses about every two to two and half hours. She naps until about after lunch when we are up again for a hour or two playing.

Then my favorite thing is that around 5:30pm we "workout" together. I put her in the baby Bjorn and we walk on the treadmill for about 3o minutes. She always falls asleep a few minutes into the walk. Then when I stop walking and shut off the radio, she wakes up. I think that it is so funny.

No really, she is asleep there. Not the best picture of me, but really a great weight vest. See Joe's weight vest for working out is hanging on the arm of the treadmill. Well my weight vest gradually grows with me. I personally like my vest better than his. Although I think mine might be a little bit more expensive.

Here she took her binky off her chest and held it. Not sure that she could do it again, but it was cool to watch her do it. Might have been a chance that it happened at this point. I don't care. She took her binky off her chest and held on to it.

For those of you that knew me when I as little, there are a lot of pictures of me only months old out side like this with my dad while he worked on various projects in the yard. My mom freaked at first because I would get dirty, but she gave in and I would sit in my seat in the yard with my dad while he worked. I have a picture of me with a level sitting across my seat. So Grandpa had to put the hammer in the seat with Maddie. I will have to find a picture of me and scan and post it with the pics of Maddie. It will be really funny to see the two together. It will take me awhile to find the photo. I have about 100,000 plus photos to go through. Yes really we have that many.

Now this pic, Joe loves. He is watching the AMA Motocross race with Maddie. She actually sat there while he watched the race. Not sure that she really could see what was going on, but all the moving, the sound of the bikes and the colors really kept her attention.

Someday she will probably have a pink motorcycle or something. Daddy and his dreams of his daughter riding with him. No, not his son, he would rather have his daughter. He thinks it is cool that girls can ride with the boys.

This is a little blurry, but she is actually rolling over for the first time. We did it about 10 times in a row just to make sure it was for real. We practiced again today on the floor. She is actually on the couch next to me in this picture.

It is amazing how one minute they can't do something then the next day the can. I am amazed at how overnight she has changed. For awhile she was only holding her head to one side. When she slept, when she watched the mobile looked at you, etc. it was always with her head to the left. Overnight her head movements are so different. She is completely a different baby. She is tracking the words in her video more. She is more alert during the day. She no longer can where anything newborn. She officially is no longer a newborn, but diaper and clothing size wise. I am sure she is 10lbs now, but I have not weighted her to be sure. I know she is 23 inches long. I measured her the other day. She has an appointment for her 2 month shots on the 16th, so we will get her official "doctor" measurements then.

When they say that time flies and to cherish these moments. They really mean it. Time flies faster than you know. From day to day she is a completely different person. If only this country was like Great Britain or France or even Cuba. I could stay home with her longer to enjoy these moments. They get a minimum of 6 months with their newborns. Now someone else will be seeing them for the first time while I am a work.

I am all for feminism, but really, god gave us the ability to birth children and feed them with these giant mike jugs I carry on my chest for a reason. We were meant to stay home and raise our children. The men just can't do it the same. Okay that is my rant for the day. I am just sad that I have to leave her with a stranger while I go to work to provide for her. You want to make the money to provide her with the finer things in life, but you so want to be with her too. If we could only have both. That would be the sweat life. Maybe I will look into moving to France. Does anyone know French......Just kidding.

Hope you all have a great day. Until my next post.

1 comment:

Sonja Johnston said...

Kristy, I just love this! You are falling into the role of motherhood so perfectly, just like I knew you would! You are so beautiful inside and out. Maddie is SUPER lucky to have such devoted parents......and her Auntie Sonja is pretty awesome, too :)