Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Talk, Talk, Talk

Maddie has always been a talker, but these days it is becoming more and more. And loud too. If you are not paying attention to her while she is talking she will get louder until you look at her. I wonder where she got that from.

So far the words that I can recall that Maddie can say are:

Kitty, Moo, ooh-ah-ooh-ah (monkey sounds), Dog, Meow (pronounced by Maddie without the "M"), Book, Bubbles (sometimes pronounced "dubbles") Jet, Button, Daddy, Dadda, Momma, Mommy, Diaper, Bottle, Bye, No, Hi (this was her very first word besides Dadda), Yes, What, Maddie, Brydie, Shh, Quack, Tickle-Tickle, Ball, Bath, Eyes, Wait, Bucket, Blanket.

I know there are others, but I can't recall what they are at the moment. There are some words that she said a long time ago, but she has not repeated lately. We attribute majority of her talking to the Your Baby Can Read program that she started watch when she was 4 weeks old. I know people think I am crazy, but I really think that the program has helped. There is no proof. Maybe it didn't help, but I know it can't hurt.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

OMG! She looks just like her Daddy. She really is adorable. I can't believe how many words she says for only 10 months old! Sure wish I hadn't been sick when you came to AZ. I was really bummed that I didn't get to see you all .. especially Maddie!