Thursday, December 3, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
You are Invited to Maddie's Birthday Party
Hope to see you there.
11 Months

We ran into an old friend at the store the other day who said it best. Kids are the best thing in the world and those who don't have them don't understand.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sisterly News
As some of you are aware, my sister Krissy found another lump on ther throat. We thought it was cancer again. She got her results back on Monday and it was great news. NO CANCER. We are so excited. She will however be having the lump removed just to be safe.
Jennifer Anne McCoy
Today, I got the greatest news. My sister Jeni is pregnant with her third. She just found out that she is two weeks late. So she has her first doctors appointment on November 19th.
This week has been the most exciting week in a long time. Congrats to both my sisters. I love you both.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Talk, Talk, Talk
So far the words that I can recall that Maddie can say are:
Kitty, Moo, ooh-ah-ooh-ah (monkey sounds), Dog, Meow (pronounced by Maddie without the "M"), Book, Bubbles (sometimes pronounced "dubbles") Jet, Button, Daddy, Dadda, Momma, Mommy, Diaper, Bottle, Bye, No, Hi (this was her very first word besides Dadda), Yes, What, Maddie, Brydie, Shh, Quack, Tickle-Tickle, Ball, Bath, Eyes, Wait, Bucket, Blanket.
I know there are others, but I can't recall what they are at the moment. There are some words that she said a long time ago, but she has not repeated lately. We attribute majority of her talking to the Your Baby Can Read program that she started watch when she was 4 weeks old. I know people think I am crazy, but I really think that the program has helped. There is no proof. Maybe it didn't help, but I know it can't hurt.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Another Month Past (10 Months Old)

Saturday, September 19, 2009
9 Months

She hates baby food. She loves whatever you are eating and she eats everything in sight.

Last Month we went to the state fair for Mom's birthday. This was Maddies first adventure at the state fair. We walked around and looked at the exhibits. There was no one there this year and half the exhibits were missing from the "normal" fair shows. It was perfect weather for a day at the state fair. It was about 80 degrees, with no crowds, what else could we ask for.

She was a little unsure of the animals when we stopped for too long. We stopped at the horses and there was a horse in the center corral that a lady brought over to the fence for Maddie to see. We got to see the horse close up for a short period of time until the rest of the kids in the area, saw what was happening and rushed over and pushed us out of the way. Those little brats and their parents were worse than them.

We visited our best friends Beau and Carrie. Their dog Shelby loved to play with Maddie. I think she licked the inside of Maddie's mouth a dozen times. We are preparing Shelby for her new little one. Carrie and Beau are expecting their first on November 22nd. They don't know if it is a boy or girl. They want to be surprised. I think it is a boy. However Carrie thinks it is a girl. So if she thinks that she is probably right. Mom's usually know these things. I think you can just sense these things.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Rest In Peace....Mike Coy, Jean "Nana" Mann, Cash "Money" Weiland
Mike Coy (David Coy's dad) pasted away suddenly of a heart-attack. There was a private memoral held at their home for close family and friends. We are still morning this loss.
Cash "Money" Weiland disappear on 9/15/09 evening. We suspect that he was shot by our neighbor, but have not proof other than gun shots while we were out looking for him. Tyson and Frank are showing their concern for Cash's disappearance.
Jean "Nana" Mann, died 9/18/09 at a hospital in Roseville. She is on her way to see her son Tim . She will be greatly missing by all that knew her. We love you Nana and will miss you. Services have not been set yet.
Also, along the same lines, Jean's brother in-law Bruce Mann's brother also lost his life to cancer this month. Services were held in LA.
I am not sure that I can take anymore loss this month.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Eight Months and Independence

I celebrated another birthday on the 21st of July. We didn't do anything speacial, actually I was in Merced that day. I had brought Maddie to Merced for two days. It is hard to work with a baby in your trailer, because everyone wanted to come in a see her. Also because she demands a lot of attention. I just means that your day is a lot longer. You can only squeeze a little amount of work in over a longer period of time. I enjoyed having her with me and everyone asks about her and when she is coming back. The drive was long but she made it. I had to sing "head, shoulders, knees and toes" and "twinkle, twinkle little star" about a dozen time on the way home. 2-1/2 hours in the car after a long day at the jobsite, she was not happy with me.
Maddie went to her first baseball game at Raley field to see the River Cats. She did great. She liked all the people. She wouldn't sleep so she got fussy at about 9pm. We left shortly after and she fell asleep in the car. We went with our friends Bruce, Cindy, Bryson and Whitney. And Uncle Mike too. Our car was packed full. I am so glad we got the Navigator. We were able to get two carseats a everyone else in one car. It was nice.
Well, that is all for now. Until the next events happen.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Maddie 7 Months and Abbey 1 day