She has lots of blonde hair. For a family that doesn't have much hair, she got it all.
In the events of the day on the 15th, which now seem so long ago.....We arrived at the hospital a little after 7am. They took me immediately into pre-op.
It seemed fast, but we went into the OR a few after 9am. While I was getting my spinal tap done, Joe was waiting in the hallway for them to let him in....He almost passed out. They finally got me prep'd and ready for Joe to come in. As they were telling him what was going to happen, they were already under way.

We had lots of visitors....in recovery and back in our room. I was upstairs in my room at noon. We got several flowers. First to arrive was from the Sundt Family. Soon the room was filled with flowers, plants and people.
She is a good baby. She only cried when she needed to eat or be changed. She was passed around the room like a football all day Monday. Tuesday had little less of a crowd and Wednesday, we had one visitor before we came home.

Thursday night we all slept downstairs on the couch. It was a better night. I was able to move more and the couch was easier to get up and down when Maddie needed to be fed or changed. We will see how tonight goes.